Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Im really excited to start school again, because Im going to the  Lehi Jr. High!!!
This year Im going to be be in seventh grade so Im going to be a sevie. 
I moving to here...

To here...
(Sorry the picture is fuzzy!)
I am sooooo excited to go to the Jr. HIgh!!!(: 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Graduation time

Lane just graduated from college! The whole fam is proud of him! ( And he's so lucky that he doesn't have to do homework anymore.)
Grandma Savage came, we both played a intense game of hangman and tic tac toe.
You can see lane and his friend standing up in the big rows.

 Lanes family.
Brooke da Bee and Laney boy
( Nick names we gave each other) 

 Our family.
Kinsey and Lane.
We are so proud of you lane!:)

Monday, April 23, 2012


The other day I found a great saying that said: Don't only practice your art. But force your way into its secrets. For knowledge can raise men to the divine. By:ludwig van Beethoven (he's like one of the most best piano players in the world!) 
I just love that saying and its helping do a better job at piano.:)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hunger games

I just finished reading the hunger games series, and all i'm going to tell you is... BEST SERIES EVER!!!(:
I loved it and it was challenging for me to read ( the last one was the most hardest.) I L.O.V.E.D the book's and I totally recommend the books to you!:)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Eagle project

Conner did his eagle project on saturday, so I wanted to go and help. 
Then my friend Lizzy decided to come! I had a lot of fun with her, and I'm happy Conner decided to do his eagle, it was super fun and I'm glad I could be apart of it!

 The main man of this project

Then we set off to send out flyers.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Spring is finally here!  Winter was like summer but now Its the right weather to have all this hotness! 
I'm so exited for SPRING!
Now our flowers are starting to bloom! I can tell for sure that spring is here!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Jr. High

I went to Lehi Jr. High tonight! I'm going to be in seventh grade next year and I'm all signed up for for my classes and I have my locker buddy picked out. I'm sooooo exited to go to jr. High!